80th. David Turner
794.5 Points | 0 Wins (0%) | 10 Feature Races [2014 Last Active Update]

All Tagged Race Video Pages
7/5/2014 – MAN RUN OVER BY GO-KART while Matt Stevens Dominates 5th of July 50-Lapper in Backup Galletta’s Greenhouse #6! +YouTube Video
7/5/2014 – Matt Stevens wins 5th of July 50-Lapper in Galletta’s Greenhouse #6! SATURDAY, JULY 5th, 2014, OSWEGO, NY – After taking a weekend off due to not enough drivers (we don’t believe less than 8 drivers makes a class),…
6/21/2014 – Kevin Galletta & Matt Stevens win in the 1st Twin-Features Night of ’14 (+4 YouTube Videos)!
6/21/2014 – Kevin Galletta & Matt Stevens win in the first Twin-Features Night of 2014! SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 2014, OSWEGO, NY – The 1st twin-feature night of the young season went down on Saturday June 21st, and it was pole-sitter Kevin…
6/14/2014 – Eric Woolworth takes the 1st two features of 2014 in the Raven Tavern #88!
6/14/2014 – Eric Woolworth takes the 1st two features of 2014 in the Raven Tavern #88! SATURDAY, JUNE 14TH, 2014, OSWEGO, NY – Another tremendous race with a lot of passing, wheel-to-wheel racing and a few surprises! One of which was…
2013 Season: 1-WD Gas Flathead Karting National Championship Invitational – In our 18th Season at Galletta’s!
10/13/2013 – 2013 GAS FLATHEAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP / GALLETTA’S GREENHOUSE TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY CHRIS STEVENS, DECLARES HIMSELF BEST KARTER ON OSWEGO, NY! With a season-high 6 feature victories, an overwhelming amount of top-3 bonus points all year long, and 193 out…
8/10 – 8/11/2013 – Justin Galletta, Chris Stevens & Kevin Galletta won the “Triple 30 Lappers for Tim Galletta” weekend +YouTube
8/10 – 8/11/2013 – Justin Galletta, Chris Stevens & Kevin Galletta won the “Triple 30 Lappers for Tim Galletta” weekend SATURDAY-SUNDAY, AUGUST 10th-11th, 2013, OSWEGO, NY – Tim Galletta – cousin to founders Matt and Chris Stevens and also another grandson…
8/4/2013 – Dave Spanfelner Dominates ”Mr. Oswego Karting 10,000-Rocks-To-Win” 45-Lapper in the D.S. Humphrey’s #54! [+YouTube]
8/4/2013: Dave Spanfelner Dominates ”Mr. Oswego Karting 10,000-Rocks-To-Win” 45-Lapper in the D.S. Humphrey’s #54! SUNDAY,AUGUST 4th, 2013, OSWEGO, NY – The “Mr. Oswego Karting 10,000-Rocks-To-Win” 45-Lapper was utterly dominated by Mr. David Spanfelner in the D.S. Humphrey’s #54! Dave blasted from 4th to…