92nd. Robert Swan
688.5 Points | 0 Wins (0%) | 3 Feature Races [2017 Last Active Update]

Robert Swan raced a handful of times in the 2017 Season, where he showed promise as a hard-charging competitor early on.
However, his swan song at the track was making an ass of himself during the 2017 Klassic where he broke not one but TWO karts, then argued that he didn’t know about (and therefore was above) the established Klassic race rules (most are common sense, but regardless they’re posted every Klassic), and ran away without paying for his gas and kart part rental money! NICE, huh!
We’d be more than welcome to edit this, have him pay up and race again, but there isn’t a single person holding their breath for that to happen when it comes to this type of narcissistic activity.