8/30/2020 – 15-Karts/Twin 25s Won by Nicolas Olivares and Chris Stevens [+YouTube]
8/30/2020 – Another Twin 25s Night! 15-Karts & Won by Nicolas Olivares and Chris Stevens [+YouTube]!
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 – Nicolas Olivares took the lead on the 1st lap of the 1st 14-kart 25-lapper and led the entire race relatively unchallenged for his 2nd career regular feature win at Galletta’s (he also won the makeup point heat race). Chris Stevens then boarded the rocketship #4 and blew away the field in the 2nd 25-lapper (making it 2 for 2 since the engine was rebuilt after a blown rod it suffered during the 2019 Klassic).
Monday, August 31st, 2020 – I’d like to apologize for not having any video or victory pictures up after our race, but we started late, it got out late and I (web admin/racer/video producer/point adder Chris Stevens) have work the next day (and usually why this time of year, I prefer racing Fridays or Saturdays so I can stay up a little later working on them). I’ll be finding time during the week to upload them ASAP!
Sunday, September 6th, 2020 – UPDATE: It took until just before race time, but the videos and race victory photo are done!
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 Makeup Point Heat Race Start:
1. Nicolas Olivares (Galletta’s Greenhouse #1)
2. Justin Wade (Galletta’s Greenhouse #9)
3. Greg Kalkowski (Galletta’s Greenhouse #33c)
4. Dave Hartpence Sr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #78)
5. Matt Bobenhausen (Galletta’s Greenhouse #43)
6. Justin Thurston (Galletta’s Greenhouse #7)
7. Brandon Maccombie (Galletta’s Greenhouse #5)
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 Makeup Point Heat Finish:
1. Scored 18th in 7/26/2020 Feature*: Nicolas Olivares (Galletta’s Greenhouse #1)
2. Scored 19th in 7/26/2020 Feature*: Matt Bobenhausen (Galletta’s Greenhouse #43)
3. Scored 20th in 7/26/2020 Feature*: Justin Thurston (Galletta’s Greenhouse #7)
4. Scored 21st in 7/26/2020 Feature*: Dave Hartpence Sr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #78)
5. Scored 22nd in 7/26/2020 Feature*: Brandon McCrobie (Galletta’s Greenhouse #5)
6. Scored 23rd in 7/26/2020 Feature*: Greg Kalkowski (Galletta’s Greenhouse #33c)
7. Scored 24th in 7/26/2020 Feature*: Justin Wade (Galletta’s Greenhouse #9)
NOTE: * = Due to my (statician/webmaster/racer/video producer) return to work in late-August, I an unable to give full makeup race points and give heat points instead. It usually isn’t as much points, but I just don’t have the time to research and add up points like I do when I have most of the summer off from work and don’t mind spending the extra time doing so. In fact, we usually stop doing them entirely this time of year, BUT since there were so many newbies and returning rookies, a heat race was held, so I’ll go ahead and score it as quickly as I can. – Chris
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 – 1st 25-LAP START:
1. Travis Bartlett (Galletta’s Greenhouse #6)
2. Nicolas Olivares (Galletta’s Greenhouse #1)
3. Kevin Galletta (Brian Galletta Memorial #28)
4. Josh Arnold (Galletta’s Greenhouse #93)
5. Keith Raymond (Galletta’s Greenhouse #0)
6. Matt Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse #3)
7. Chris Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/OswegoSushi.com/Chrusher.com #8)
8. Matt Bobenhausen (Galletta’s Greenhouse #43)
9. Dave Hartpence Sr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #78)
10. Justin Thurston (Galletta’s Greenhouse #7)
11. Brandon Maccombie (Galletta’s Greenhouse #5)
12. Greg, er, George Kalkowski (Galletta’s Greenhouse #33c)
13. Justin Wade (Galletta’s Greenhouse #9)
14. Melissa Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/SNF #19)
15. DNS – David Hartpence Jr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #2)
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 – 1st 25-LAP FINISH
1. Nicolas Olivares (Galletta’s Greenhouse #1)
2. Chris Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/OswegoSushi.com/Chrusher.com #8)
3. Josh Arnold (Galletta’s Greenhouse #93)
4. Matt Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse #3)
5. Keith Raymond (Galletta’s Greenhouse #0)
6. Travis Bartlett (Galletta’s Greenhouse #6)
7. Justin Wade (Galletta’s Greenhouse #9)
8. Dave Hartpence Sr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #78)
9. Brandon Maccombie (Galletta’s Greenhouse #5)
10. Matt Bobenhausen (Galletta’s Greenhouse #43)
11. George Kalkowski (Galletta’s Greenhouse #33c)
12. DNF – Kevin Galletta (Brian Galletta Memorial #28)
13. DNF – Justin Thurston (Galletta’s Greenhouse #7)
14. DNF – Melissa Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/SNF #19)
15. DNS – David Hartpence Jr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #2)
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 – 2nd 25-LAP START
1. Matt Bobenhausen (Galletta’s Greenhouse #43)
2. Justin Thurston (Galletta’s Greenhouse #7)
3. Brandon Maccombie (Galletta’s Greenhouse #5)
4. George Kalkowski (Galletta’s Greenhouse #33c)
5. Dave Hartpence Sr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #93)
6. Travis Bartlett (Galletta’s Greenhouse #6)
7. Justin Wade (Galletta’s Greenhouse #9)
8. Keith Raymond (Galletta’s Greenhouse #0)
9. Matt Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/OswegoSushi.com/Chrusher.com #74)
10. David Hartpence Jr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #78)
11. Chris Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/OswegoSushi.com/Chrusher.com #4)
12. Nicolas Olivares (Galletta’s Greenhouse #1)
13. DNS – Josh Arnold (Galletta’s Greenhouse #93)
14. DNS – Kevin Galletta (Brian Galletta Memorial #28)
15. DNS – Melissa Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/SNF #19)
BONUS – Rear-Turn Motion-detector Camera Footage:
Incomplete footage… but footage nonetheless….

Chris Stevens continued a perfect 2 for 2 in the Galletta’s #4 winning the 2nd 25-lapper, while Nicolas Olivares led every lap of the 1st 25-lapper in the Galletta’s #1!
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 – 2nd 25-LAP FINISH
1. Chris Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/OswegoSushi.com/Chrusher.com #4)
2. Keith Raymond (Galletta’s Greenhouse #0)
3. Matt Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/OswegoSushi.com/Chrusher.com #74)
4. David Hartpence Jr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #78 & 93)
5. Matt Bobenhausen (Galletta’s Greenhouse #43)
6. Brandon Maccombie (Galletta’s Greenhouse #5)
7. Justin Thurston (Galletta’s Greenhouse #7)
8. DNF – Justin Wade (Galletta’s Greenhouse #9)
9. DNF – Nicolas Olivares (Galletta’s Greenhouse #1)
10. DNF – Travis Bartlett (Galletta’s Greenhouse #6)
11. DNF – Dave Hartpence Sr. (Galletta’s Greenhouse #93 & 78)
12. DNF – George Kalkowski (Galletta’s Greenhouse #33c)
13. DNS – Josh Arnold (Galletta’s Greenhouse #93)
14. DNS – Kevin Galletta (Brian Galletta Memorial #28)
15. DNS – Melissa Stevens (Galletta’s Greenhouse/SNF #19)
Galletta’s Greenhouse Speedway 2020 Point Standings
All races from 6/14/2020 – 8/30/2020:
Handicap for next race:
Dennis Richmond, David Hartpence Jr, David Hartpence Sr, Justin Thurston, Andrew Hook, Devon Tonkin, Travis Bartlett, Greg Kalkowski, Tony Hemingway, Matt Bobenhausen, Brandon McCrobie, Zachary Blanchard, Greg Blanchard, Steve Sixberry, Kevin Galletta, Eric Woolworth, Josh Arnold, Kelly Miller, Nicolas Olivares, Steve Perez, Keith Raymond, Matt Stevens, Chris Stevens, Random Kid, Nathan Newton, Tyler Thompson, Chase Wegzyn, Jake Sivers, Jon LaFlamme, Jason Murdock, Dave LaFlamme, Timothy Prior, Alex Vescio, Kenneth Ruszkiewicz, Tyler Henry, Logan Crisafulli, Any returning vet (who didn’t race this year yet), Newbie in 1st race, Melissa Stevens
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