6/22/2009 – Jason “The Hammer” Mills Dominates 11-kart/45-Lapper in Galletta’s #2! (+YouTube)
Galletta’s Kart Club – 2009 Season, Week 3:
The Gas Flathead Championship Series of Oswego, NY continued on
Monday, June 22nd, 2009 at John J. Galletta Memorial Speedway:

On Monday, June 22nd, 2009 at Galletta’s Greenhouse’s at John J. Galletta Memorial Karting Speedway, Jason “The Hammer” Mills won his 3rd career feature, and in dominant fashion. The 11-kart, 45-lap feature was his first win in only his second race back since returning from nearly two years away from the sport. And, unlike other local “professional” track, we do not mock family names and respected businesses like Pheeble Phatass Phil Marsden (AKA tap dancing’ beauty pageant racin’ dad).
Here’s some of our action, compressed to lo-res and just a few race & crash highlights on YouTube.
The first heat saw Melissa Stevens make a pass on lap one to take the win, challenged closely by Buddy Cottom, Gary Miller, and Chris Stevens, and then Tony Gonyeau. Jason “The Hammer” Mills won the second heat after a couple of passes and pulled away. He was followed by Russell Hockey, Matt Stevens, Nick Dann, and Larry Phillips, who has been fast, but is suffering with a bad back which is keeping him from competing for wins.
The Galletta’s handicap start (inverted with low points-per-race racers in the front, with all prior winners in the back). When Jason Mills made the pass for the lead on rookie Tony Gonyeau, the #7 spun out and caused a chain reaction which saw karts scatter (YouTube clip will be up later), and Russ Hockey lose a left rear tire again. He then hopped into the Galletta’s #9. Our starter/flagman was Mike “MC” Howell, “his one true talent is that he can wave a stick,” said Buddy Cottom. MC relieved Wesley “Ogre” Stevens – whom we still can’t talk out of retirement... (he only raced last season at Oswego Kiddie-Clique-Kartway after we begged him so we could have enough people to race there – nobody liked the outrageous prices, angry track operator, and its small size and lack of laps to run. Its for kids and adults seeking glory behind the famed oval).
Jason Mills took the lead ion lap five and never looked back, pulling away from everybody on every restart. The racing, other than Jason pulling away from Gary Miller, and Gary pulling away from the rest of the pack, which was a fantastic exhibition of driving skills with Buddy Cottom, Russ Hockey, Chris Stevens and Matt Stevens working their tails off to keep up and pass each other a few times during the race. Gary would have had 2nd place sealed if not for losing a tie-rod bolt with around ten or so laps to go, and Chris exited the track two times to avoid wrecks, which cost him dearly in the points. Matt Stevens , who had to come from the back three times–once after his #33’s clutch teeth gave way and he had to hop into his#3–nipped Buddy at the line for 2nd. Also, Tony Gonyeau, the only rookie in attendance, impressed many with his 5th place finish in a field full of great veteran drivers... something that our buddy Pheeble Phil couldn’t do in his wildest dreams.
Jason Mills (Galletta’s #2) won going away, with Matt Stevens (Galletta’s #3/33) nipping Buddy Cottom (Galletta’s #6) by a bumper at the line for second. They were followed by Russ Hockey (Hockey #00/Galletta’s #9), Tony Gonyeau (Galletta’s #7), Chris Stevens (Galletta’s #8), Melissa Stevens (Galletta’s #80), Gary Miller Sr. (Galletta’s/Miller #24), Nick Dann (Galletta’s #1) and Larry Phillips (L&K Engine #04 – DNF) tied for 9th due to retiring at the same time, and credited with 11th place points for his practice/warm-up session was starter Mike “MC” Howell, who is a master of flagging on four local tracks! Great job, MC!
Per usual, in addition to counting points and wins for every single race we do, we videotape every single lap of every race from two camera angles and make them all available on DVD for $5 a pop. Because we aren’t doing this to make money off of people (free to watch or bring your own kart, or just race one of ours for gas and parts), nor necessarily try to pad stats to do a career in big-money racing. We do it to have FUN racing affordable racing machines, and groom racing skills, not prissy primadonnas who throw temper tantrums and whine like babies and call a respected business, a whole family, and their friends “clowns” and “gaylettas yard sale” because an unbiased reporter covered a homegrown, built-from-scratch kart club in their news story. Grow up. Oh, and pay up while you’re at it, Mr. Selective Censor “webman.” Allegedly “50-70 karts” a week paying $18-35 a pop and you can’t pay up for the logo I made yet? Something don’t add up there.
2009 Gas Flathead Dirt Karting Championship of Oswego Point Standings:
After 3 combined events at John J. Galletta Memorial Go-Kart Speedway from 7/8/2009 -thru- 7/22/2009.
Our complete Points Standings from the prior eight seasons are found on this webpage.
NOTE: All karts are 1-WD and all Motors are 1-WD 5hp Gas Flatheads with Stock ’90s Carb, shaved head, and select pre-approved Dyno Racing Cams. This means fast speeds for low prices... which, for some extremely weird reason, just burns Phat Pheeble Phaggy Phil Marsden’s tap-dancin’ @$$. Keep on livin’ your racin’ dreams through your kids and mocking total strangers, dude!
The Galletta’s Kart Club 2009 Volume #3 DVD:
Two camera angles of the races held on June 22nd, 2009. Eleven drivers, two 10-lap heats and a 45-lap feature. One hour+ in highest-quality resolution. 16:9 Anamorphic widescreen video, Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo Surround, and two camera angles of all of the action. Price $5.
YouTube And the complete and high quality races found on this site and YouTube can be purchased in ourGalletta’s Go-Kart DVD store!
OSWEGO KARTGHEY: Oswego Kartway track operator, Jim Losurdo, has banned our 1-WD Gas Stocker class from competition at the Oswego Kartway, did not pay for logos used for one year, and childishly mocked us on a public forum.In discriminating against our established and affordable class–which had fully supported the track bringing 6-15 karts (with paying customers) per week ever since it’s inception (in 2006-08), gave free promotion to, produced high quality weekly DVDs of their events for,
created professional uncompensated and over a year later, STILL unpaid logos and banners for, never fought at, never had one severe crash or injury at, and raced at despite the track operator’s irrational refusal to acknowledge – and even irrational rebellion against – our simple points & rule set—was never answered in either a logical, fair, calm, nor rational manner by one person, including the track operator. He also called us many angry & childish names and did not act like a professional track operator, nor respectful person should.
The Galletta’s Kart club will race on our own track and all local tracks that allow us our simple rule set and points system formula. You can read about anddiscuss the situation in this large message board thread here, and see results to our final race there here. All comments, debate points, and opinions on all sides are welcome, and will not be deleted. We believe in freedom of speech & debate, and not deleting anything that isn’t 100% positive. However, considering their price increases, the Galletta’s Kart Club (averaging between 6-10 weekly competitors) has estimated that we will collectively save $2,000-$3,000 in entrance fees by racing on our own track exclusively for the majority of our points series instead of two tracks like we have been doing the past three years (What they do with all that money is a mystery to me, especially since they still didn’t pay for their logo yet)! This news means more enhancements to our own karts and own track with professional AND fun racing, and less problems with dishonest people ruining their parent track’s name with their weak simulation of a professional track – no points, no DVDs, no names, booting people, not paying people for work – just the big track’s name and money in it. And considering they have 50-70 weekly drivers paying around $20 a pop – some of whom who are total strangers that attack us – calling us GAYletta’s Yard Sale and “clowns”, and never to our faces – then not paying for the logos ensures a lifetime of bad press until we’re paid up. Oh, and stop using your S&M safe words on public forums, “tap.”