SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH 2024, OSWEGO, NY – We were thrilled to finally have enough racers to run (our minimum used to be 8, then eventually shrunk to 5 due to a lack of drivers) and the action was close and competitive. Matt Stevens evaded a wreck and picked off a loose Andrew Hook to take the 1st Feature, while Chris Stevens was also able to survive a few mishaps and take the 2nd. The most alarming thing this week was points leader AJ Larkin went for a wild ride when he overdrove too high in Turn 2, hit a few tires we use as a wall, and flipped. Out. Literally!

But first, we wanted to give a shout-out to some Galletta’s Karters at Oswego Speedway’s Classic weekend:

Labor Day Weekend ’24 – Congrats to Galletta’s Karters at Oswego Speedway Classic Weekend!

Congrats to occasional Galletta’s Karter Tyler Thompson on the 2024 Oswego Speedway Supermodified Classic 200 Victory (his 2nd Oswego Super Classic win), as well as one of our regular racers — AND current points leader (as of 8/14/2024) — AJ Larkin, scoring 6th (and an honorable mention to former old-school karter Cameron Rowe Sr. getting 2nd) in the Small Block Supermodified Classic! Afterward, we realized even more Galletta’s Karters than we mentioned and didn’t want to leave anyone out: Griffin Miller, Tony DeStevens, Lou LeVea Jr., and Dennis Richmond all got some Classic action in as well. We always say if we could get all these guys along with several of our All-Time Points Karters to all be in a kart on race day, the competition would be AMAZING!

And now back to our backyard speedway action:

GoPro Camera with Chris Stevens (Sponsored by R&C Sushi)

Unedited Chris Stevens’ Helmet camera is back in action for today’s race and uploaded here.

Live Webcam from Turn 3! 

Unedited footage uploaded here.

Tower Angle (Sponsored by… Nobody)

Our camera-woman Rung Stevens decided that she wanted to get some prep work done at work instead of recording our Tower angle, so a stationary camera was used. The problem was that the tripod was missing thus making the camera angle quite poor. Chris and Rung’s daughter Faith gave it a go in the 2nd race, but the focus was all messed up and we wound up missing most of it entirely. We uploaded the unedited footage anyways

Stationary GoPro from the Start/Finish Line

…is uploaded here, unedited.