53,297.5 Points | 96 Wins (21%) | 468 Feature Races [2023 Last Active Race Updated] |

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  • Klassic 2023 Top-3: Bros. Chris & Matt Stevens, and Andrew Hook.
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Christopher “Galletta” Stevens (fuller bio below) has raced go-karts since 1992 when he bought one to compete with his brother — both big fans of Oswego Speedway Supermodified racing since childhood in the late-1970s/early-1980s — who got one in 1990. The club exists to this day because the brothers just never stopped racing all summer, every summer, ever since! Over the years, as friends and family just kept joining them, it just snowballed to this massive website and video collection you see before you. This entire website is a combination of Chris’ love of racing, and his skills as a graphic artist (Chrusher.Com, ChrusherComix, and Towner Comics), and is sponsored by his day jobs (R&C Sushi LLC that he co-owns and co-operates with his wife, and Galletta’s Greenhouses, co-owned and operated by his family).


Includes every Feature Victory at Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Speedway (2000-now) and Oswego Speedway’s Oswego Kartway (2006-2008)

Chris’ Classic & Track Championship History:

YearTrack RacedTrack Points Championship Place
(# of drivers)
“Classic” / Klassic Race Place (# of drivers)
1996Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 5?)2nd Place (of 3)
1997Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 6?)2nd Place (of 3)
1998Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 7?)2nd Place (of 4)
1999Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 7?)1st Place (of 5)
2000Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 8)1st Place (of 5)
2001Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 15)1st Place (of 8)
2002Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 14)2nd Place (of 8)
2003Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 29)3rd Place (of 8)
2004Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 48)3rd Place (of 10)
2005Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 50)
(2nd in 5hp flathead)
3rd Place (of 13)
2006Oswego Speedway Dirt (1-WD Gas Stock Division)Tied 2nd overall (of 18)
(2nd in 5hp flathead)
None held.
(Longest race scored 5th of 15)
2006Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 35)
(2nd in 5hp flathead)
2nd Place (of 16)
2007Oswego Speedway Dirt (1-WD Mixed Motor Gas Stock Division)5th overall (of 22)
(3rd in 5hp flathead)
1st Place (of 15)
2007Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 49)
(2nd in 5hp flathead)
3rd Place (of 11)
2008Oswego Kartway (1-WD Gas Mixed Motor Division)2nd overall (of 24)3rd Place (of 13)
2008Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 21)3rd Place (of 10)
2009Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 47)2nd Place (of 9)
2010Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 29)2nd Place (of 14)
2011Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 25)1st Place (of 13)
2012Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 39)1st Place /Tied 6th Place (of 14)
2013Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 38)3rd Place (of 13)
2014Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 26)3rd Place (of 7)
2015Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 45)1st Place (of 17)
2016Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 34)2nd Place (of 14)
2017Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 34)1st Place (of 10)
2018Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway2nd overall (of 31)2nd Place (of 11)
2019Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 24)4th Place (of 12)
2020Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 40)2nd Place (of 13)
2021Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting SpeedwayN/A – No Races HeldN/A – No Race Held
2022Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 24)N/A – No Race Held
2023Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway1st overall (of 23)1st Place (of 10)


  • Galletta’s Greenhouse Kartway Points: 2nd Overall
  • Galletta’s Greenhouse Kartway Wins: 2nd Overall
  • Oswego Speedway’s Kartway Points: (1-WD Gas Division): 2nd Overall
  • Oswego Speedway’s Kartway Wins: (1-WD Gas Division): 2nd Overall