Summer 2022 UPDATE – GoFundMe… is gone, but the money is still owed in full:
For some reason, the GoFundMe was deleted. We were never given a reason or warning, and it earned $0.00 and Matt has still been unable to pay it back in addition to his wife being as adamant in her position as ever. So… here we are.
Well… at least Chris and Matt’s kids got to enjoy the track in 2021 and early 2022. But… Don’t even get started on Melissa demanding a little kid who visited to pay $25 for a bent electric cart axle when she owes (ehrm, claims that she doesn’t owe) $4k for a roof. Lets… just drop that, okay?
Well, let’s not drop it, YET.
Well, because…
2022 Update: Melissa Threatens Small Claims Court Over a $25 Part on Her Daughter’s electric car
In the summer of 2022, Melissa threatened to take our family friend to small claims court over a $25 part on a kid’s toy.
This family friend — who we’ll call, “Ken” — is the father of the child in question who damaged her daughter’s cart. Yes, the same person who — all the way out in Mexico, NY — helped Matt haul lumber and roofing supplies, gave him two snowblowers, and a heater, on top of also offered to loan Matt a bulldozer for track work, and probably would’ve helped him haul clay to track, something way overdue for our rough corners.
All this track and kart and 4 daughters, no sons. Go figure…
But see, to Melissa… the roof, snowblowers, and help on the roof over her head mean nothing, she didn’t pay for them, they were given to her, and they do not cancel out the $25 part.
Granted, the child did sell lemonade at a stand to raise the money for the part and was grounded from his tablet. Melissa disapproved of the child having to earn the money as being “inappropriate”, but took the cash without even a sorry or a thank you.
Oh, by the way… that $25 part? Well, they didn’t need it because Matt bent it back into shape in a few minutes. It’s a little easier to bend than a go-kart axle.
And, in Mel’s World, the roof supplies that Ken brought has nothing to do with her (despite her, her daughters, and her husband living under it), nor do the snowblowers (despite demanding that her husband snowblow the driveways before she works), nor the heater or the help given to Matt to fix it.
Nope. Because they aren’t hers. The kids’ cart *IS* hers. And it *HAD* to be posted on Facebook and *HAD* to be paid. Immediately.
Ken now seems to blame Matt, Chris, and Chris’ wife over Mel’s actions now. (And the demands she made may or may not have been posted from a hotel in Oswego about 10 minutes from where they live where she periodically stays with or without her husband to enjoy the hot tub and pool. Even though she has a hot tub and pool. And not enough money to pay for the roof she lives under, and pay back the people who babysit her kids when she’s gone from 4:3o AM TO 5/6 PM EVERY WEEKDAY, NAAW… Oh, did I forget to mention that she wrote Lowe’s on behalf of her daughter’s Christmas wish and apparently was supposed to get a roof as a prize, but that supposedly fell through after they needed a roof? But they kept getting things that couldn’t be nailed down from Lowe’s instead… hmmm…). I could go on and on with these stories, but… well, you get the drift.
And you know what? She’ll still post snarky, narcissistic comments all over her Facebook about us CONSTANTLY, too. Including public wishes on Facebook for our line of work to fail (we are sushi chefs and do contract work locally, she’ll never touch sushi but rated the new sushi place in Oswego as, “the best sushi that will put others to shame!”), and weird calls to our workplace, health department, and worker’s comp that we are breaking rules and regulations (completely exonerated on every charge, and they said they know it’s likely a disgruntled family member making false reports, they just simply have to follow through with them — and these reports are VERY specific, with things about us that nobody but family knows… but… who could have done this?).
And you know what’s crazy? People will still somehow take the side of the person who not only owes us $4.5k, but attack the people who loaned her the $4.5k and try to get them fired from work!
Wait… what’s that you say? Try to get us fired from work? Wha?! Well, yes…
Summer 2022 Update: Attack of The Gables… Part Nine-hundred and… oh, we lost count…
The Gabels, for reasons unknown to any of us, keep gossiping hateful lies to friends and family about us all, and then constantly call in our workplaces and authorities trying to get us fired at work. When confronted… this happens (see above).
Monica Gabel is Melissa’s mother and Matt’s mother-in-law. Ever since sometime in 2010, she has been caught on several occasions calling our friends and family (especially those that race with us) and gossiping all sorts of weird and delusional lies (please let us know if she has done this to you). When confronted, she says nothing and maybe will flip you off and angrily mumble something indecipherable (see above). So, on top of kidnapping Matt’s kids and not allowing him to see them (mentioned above as one of the main reasons our 2021 Season was canceled), she has constantly been a menace for well over a decade now.
What’s probably the worst case of all, she calls our workplace, the Health Department, Worker’s Compensation, and wherever else with exaggerations and outright lies about our business in an attempt to get us fired. For what, we don’t know… we barely see them as they live in Wolcott, we live in Oswego! In fact, when we 1st started the business in 2010-11, Melissa attacked me personally and said I’d, “never amount to anything!” and that we’d, “lose everything!” On top of this, when we were able to purchase our 1st home after saving (via living in my cramped parents’ home and saving as much as we could while working 364 days a year for years — which most people would never do), she lost her mind and turned up these accusations and hateful rhetoric.
There is more than one occasion where this has happened. We suspect more than we know (as sometimes we cannot figure out good friends who love to race with us just suddenly stop, SOMETIMES after being seen speaking with Monica? Hmm…).
The day when Monica Gabel revealed herself to the Jedi to have revenge… wait, I mean, angrily attacked me with delusional accusations of wrecking her daughter — but the video doesn’t lie, not that Monica would ever apologize. Psychotic, schizophrenic narcissists never do.
For example, in 2010, we lost what we felt were good friends in the Russell family — racing with George and his son Shadoe for a few years and always having a great time.
But we noticed they turned sour on us and said they were going to stop racing here. We were all puzzled, as we knew all the fun we all had racing (never once a problem). But apparently, something had been cooking behind the scenes.
So… a few days later, we discovered that Monica had been contacting the Russells and had been lying with all sorts of false accusations, gross misrepresentations, and nonsensical exaggerations of things that were allegedly said in our home while watching our races. Back then, we used to transfer the then-videotapes to digitally formatted DVDs (with only our immediate family and… Melissa… around). The Russells were angry, and somehow believed my mom called Shadoe’s mom fat (she didn’t… she said that she doesn’t pose in victory photos because she feels fat, and Melissa misinterpreted that as calling Mrs. Russell fat, told Monica, and she contacted them!), and that one of us called Shadoe a “R” word (none of us ever did, although some drivers did, drivers that they weren’t mad at. Smells like another Mel lie and Monica insanity!). The Russells then angrily bashed and fought us on Facebook, apparently believed Monica, never believed us and never came back. Why? Why does Monica do this? We have no idea!
Both Monica and her mom have been especially hateful (and one could say racist and xenophobic) to my wife Rung (AKA Aou), and can often be seen staring laser holes at her, and on more than one occasion have said extremely hateful things like the aforementioned telling her to, “go wash dishes, ya Chink!” What… why?!
Aou was born in Thailand, moved to the U.S. in 2004, we married in 2005, started our small business in 2011, had children in 2014 and 2018 (while both of her parents died in 2018 and she could not fly to them 8-months pregnant!), and became a U.S. Citizen in 2019, all the time working hard for this. Matt met Melissa in 2007 and they got married in 2008.
At first, everyone got along, but for reasons unknown to us, Melissa and her family started to get extremely hateful and abusive towards us, especially Aou. All they say is angrily yell, “CHINK!” (an anti-Chinese slur, showing not only their ignorance but racist hate) and apparently (according to the above video) think that because in 2008 — literally days before Matt and Melissa’s wedding, when Aou happily and proudly served as her bridesmaid — when her Green Card needed renewal, the Gabels gave one of several letters of recommendation to the Immigration Office — saying that our marriage was real and not one of those fraudulent ones to stay in the U.S. over — and believe that they are 100% responsible for her being here. Their letter was not needed, we just gathered letters from everyone that knew us, but they believe THEY are the only reason and we are required to… what, kiss their asses or something? We don’t know! But Melissa loves to point US flags at us all the time… whatever that means.
2023 Update – Roof paid back or… NAH, LET’S GO TO DISNEY WORLD INSTEAD!
Melissa, while claiming she doesn’t make enough money to pay back the roof — despite her full-time job as a teacher’s aide for the Wolcott School District and side hustle as a pet groomer — and while constantly posting snarky pictures and videos attacking the people who let her borrow $4.5k (that, alarmingly, people on Facebook ACTUALLY LIKE?!) BUT… she has the money to fully fund an 8-day/8-night vacation to…
Look, we are happy that Matt and his kids get to experience not only their 1st trip on a plane but also their 1st trip to Disney World, as we (me, my wife, and kids) did the prior January 2023 and he’s never gone on a trip like this in his life… but that’s not the point here. The point is… so much for Melissa not having enough money to pay back the roof over her head, but has enough for this trip AND nearly daily deliveries from Amazon, Walmart, USP, USPS, FedEx, DHL… the delivery people’s heads are spinning.
In the meantime, if anyone wishes to help Matt’s family pay back their debt, please consider it and contact us about it. Because his wife certainly won’t.
And again, ANY should this be public knowledge? Normally it would not, but Melissa, her mother, and brother have made several threats towards us, gossiped lies, misinformation, disinformation, and gross exaggerations, to our friends and family on social media from 2010 to now… and — perhaps the most egregious of all — tried to get us in trouble with the authorities and fired from our contracted work as sushi chefs MULTIPLE times since at least 2016 and possibly before! So THIS is our defense and THE only reason it’s up. So Larry and anyone else who’s sick of hearing or reading about it… go ahead and piss Melissa or her mom off and just watch what happens! Just make sure all of your friends, relatives, co-workers and bosses know of the experiment before you do so, ok?
Well… back to the karting coverage…
FULL SEASONAL ARCHIVES — Every Race Video in our History!
Scroll below to see HUNDREDS of our prior race videos dating between 1997-2020, and see how Matt was both in every single one of them, but also maintaining almost every single kart in them as well! With no pay whatsoever.
Enjoy each of over two decades worth of our competitive point-racing seasons with hundreds of race pages and videos! Each season will have its own list of pictured race descriptions, point standings, driver profiles, and complete races on embedded videos to each race (as early as the 2002 Klassic and complete season videos dating back to mid-2005). This is exhaustively done, and I really hope you appreciate the work we put into the site and the hundreds of races we show you for no charge, just… all I ask is please don’t use ad-blockers to help cover the site and server costs (which it never does)! Thanks! – Chris
Galletta’s Greenhouse Karting Seasonal Archives – Full Race Videos, Point Races & Descriptions
Our 2021 season was unfortunately completely lost due to circumstances out of our control. Initially, head mechanic/track groomer Matt Stevens and his wife needed to repair severe damage (a giant hole) to the roof of their home, which occurred from snow and ice buildup over the long winter. The repairs took all Summer, as only after Matt's brother Chris, sister-in-law Rung, and mother loaned him the $4,000 so the job was to be completed before Fall, as his wife had other things to spend money on. Matt has kept the karts and track running strong for 25+ years for basically no pay. If anyone wishes to help Matt out and collectively help him pay his debt to his mom, brother, and sister-in-law, please help him out via this GoFundMe.
We plan to return to regular racing in June 2022, and we are contemplating two Klassics (or maybe a Mid-Summer Championship) to make up for our lost season and have a 2021 Make-up Champion along with a 2022 Champion. Scroll lower to see HUNDREDS of our prior race videos dating between 1997-2020!
That’s right! 274 race videos to our 2nd Season at Oswego Speedway Kartway: (2007) & 12th Season at Galletta’s: (2007). So big, it needed TWO playlists!
Drivers all-time stats at two of Oswego, New York’s Dirt Karting Tracks: Galletta’s Greenhouse Backyard Karting Speedway (2000-2020), and separately the Oswego Kartway [1-WD Mixed Motor Gas Division] (2006-2008). You can scroll the chart left, right, up and down to see all 371 different drivers on record. NOTE: In-season points are not added to this total until after the current season ends and pre-2000 Points & Wins are currently lost in storage (they will be added if located).
Galletta's Backyard Go-Kart Speedway is a free-to-race-on and free-to-watch 0.133887 mile dirt oval with 20-degree banked turns . It is located behind Galletta's Greenhouse in Oswego, NY, and can be seen from outer space! The single-wheel-drive gasoline-fueled flathead motor karts take the track between 15-17 seconds per lap which averages over 30 mph (approximately 45-50 mph top speed in the straights). Our speeds are comparable to alcohol/methanol-fueled karts that cost 8 times as much because we use mostly homemade or rebuilt go-karts and gas on a large track; leading to more karts, more competition, and more fun. Our class is usually the largest and most competitive in the area. Thanks to Google Earth for this Spring 2006 photo. Our karting club's home track is located in back of:
Galletta's Greenhouses
60 County Route 20
Oswego, NY 13126-6512
(315) 343-0879 or (315) 343-4281 Need directions? Here they are!
Date & time is subject to change due to weather & driver availability.
- Kart Rental: See Matt
- Enter your own Kart: See Matt
- Spectators: Free
These are nominal donations to kart & track operator Matt Stevens for gas / parts / electricity / track watering. He makes $0.00 on kart rentals. All drivers must sign a waiver.
Who & What We Are We race customized “1-WD backyard racing go-karts” every weekend from June through October on a dirt track behind Galletta’s Greenhouses in the Town of Oswego, New York, USA. While we’re mostly just a bunch of friends and family having some competitive fun, we’re always looking for more drivers to join us, and have arrive-and-drive karts on hand if you want to try it out!
That's right! Every single season since 1995, every "Klassic" since 2002, and very single points race and YouTube video we have since 2005 to now are ALL available to view for free right here!
Past Season Archives
Regular Season Race:
- Newbie Rental: See Matt
- Regular Kart Rental: See Matt
- Heavy Kart Rental: See Matt
- Enter your own Kart: See Matt
- Spectators: Free.
200-Lap Klassic Race:
- Newbie Rental: See Matt
- Regular Kart Rental: See Matt
- Heavy Kart Rental: See Matt
- Enter your own Kart: See Matt
- Spectators: Free.
These are nominal donations to kart & track operator Matt Stevens for gas / parts / electricity / track watering. He makes $0.00 on kart rentals. (Try upkeep on 20 karts & track yourself if you think otherwise and get back to us.) All drivers must sign a waiver.